Solar Power in Farming

Hillandale Farms Pennsylvania Underlines the Benefits of Solar Power in Farming


Over the last two decades or so, solar power has grown from experimental technology to something almost every industry wants to take advantage of. Its popularity is increasing every day, and one can surely say that it is going to become all the more popular in the coming years. Energy is a major input and significant cost in all agricultural production, including the egg industry.  Hence, leading egg producers like Hillandale Farms Pennsylvania try to use solar power as much as possible.

Hillandale Farms Pennsylvania marks a few advantages of using solar power in farming

Today solar energy is used in many farms to convert agricultural lands into smart farms and aid farmers to make the best possible use of sustainable energy sources. Conventional agricultural lands into smart farms tend to contaminate both air and soil population, while solar powered ones are essentially pollution-free. Solar farming techniques additionally aid smallholders to save quite a bit on fuel expenses and automate farming tasks, which frees up their days for other important work.

By swapping the traditional utility-generated electricity for renewable energy generated by solar panels present on their property, farmers can substantially reduce their monthly electricity bills. Even though there are large-scale solar farms that act like mini power plants and generate solar for off-site use, farmers can also choose to install their own solar panels and solar power systems to produce the energy to be used at their own farm. Agricultural solar energy systems tend to be designed to generate enough power to run some or all the operations at a farm, thereby offsetting its electricity bill with clean energy. Hillandale Farms Pennsylvania uses solar power at many of its facilities. The staff members of Hillandale Farms work closely with the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund which is known to leverage resources to drive investment and increase the clean energy infrastructure of the state.

No matter whether it is to run exhaust fans for livestock or processing equipment for harvested crops, farms of all types utilize a high amount of electricity. More often than not electricity is one of the top expenses at farms. Even though solar power would not eliminate the need for electricity at a farm, it does provide access to it essentially for free. By choosing to install a solar power system, a farm would get the benefit of drawing on the free electricity it produces every month to offset all or a portion of its monthly power usage.  Just after a few years of use, depending on the energy usage at a farm and the cost of the solar power unit. This would free up the farmer’s money that they would have otherwise paid on electricity bills.

Even though electricity prices change just about every year, it is fairly safe to assume that they shall continue to increase in the long run. What might be a manageable expense for a farm now might not be so two to three decades from now. A number of farms are a family legacy that’s handed down from generation to generation. Choosing to install a solar power system would help farmers to make sure that it will continue to benefit future generations.

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