travel insurance

Why Is It Essential To Get Overseas Travel Insurance When Going Abroad?


The first-time international travel experience is a mix of excitement, adventure, anticipation & nervousness with the feeling of freedom & independence for the person travelling abroad. So it is essential to ensure that such experiences are lived fullest without any additional stress or nervousness for the traveller. Hence, it is essential to have overseas travel insurance when travelling abroad, as online overseas travel insurance provides coverage against medical emergencies, loss of passport and documents, as well as other unforeseen events which can ruin your experience and create significant financial losses.

Through this article, we shall look into the reasons for getting travel insurance while overseas & the importance of purchasing your international travel insurance online.

Also See : Business travel insurance

Reason To Have Overseas Travel Insurance While Travelling Abroad

Planning is the first thing we start with when we decide to travel overseas. We do that to have a stress-free trip where we won’t have to deal with unexpected additional expenses. Though one can never be entirely ready for unexpected circumstances, we can always plan for them, especially when we travel abroad with oversea travel insurance coverage.

An overseas travel insurance plan provides coverage for any unexpected circumstances, whether you have lost your wallet or there are grave medical emergencies. The policy acts as a rescuer, which will reimburse for any extra costs during your trip abroad if your overseas travel insurance policy covers it. It can include trip cancellation or delay, cashless hospitalisation abroad, or more specific cases like pre-existing diseases.

The best thing about an overseas travel insurance policy is that it is easily purchased online without health checkups at affordable premiums. However, there is a limitation for age, i.e., checkups until a certain age is not required.

Importance of Purchasing Your International Travel Insurance Online

  • Provides overseas medical coverage

When you travel, you face jet lags and many other conditions like changes in time zones, and intra-airport travel, which together can make you fall ill. There is no limit to what may or may not suit you, or the country you are travelling to might require you to vaccinate for particular diseases beforehand. Clearly, there are many reasons that can act up against you or any traveller for that matter. In this case, having overseas travel insurance can be a big relief. It can take care of your overseas medical expenses in case you need hospitalisation.

  • Aids with Cancellation or Change of plans

Cancelling a pre-planned, pre-paid trip can be expensive, but with an overseas travel insurance plan, you can enjoy that comfort in an emergency. In addition, you don’t have to feel confused between a medical emergency of you or a family member & expensive overseas trip, as overseas travel insurance provides you with coverage for cancellations or changes required before your trip.

  • Travel Plans Fall Apart

A travel plan works with pre-planned itineraries where a slight change in plan can disrupt the whole trip. But with the help of overseas travel insurance, you don’t have to worry about the financial burden of amended trip plans as it provides coverage for that too.

  • Misplaced or lost luggage

Luggage misplaced is quite a common issue nowadays; although the chance of you being a victim is not high, it is best to stay prepared for the worst. Travel insurance provides coverage for delayed bags and will reimburse any amount spent on essential items. Also, if your luggage is lost, the insurance will provide a refund for the stuff you have lost.

  • Lost passport

Do you know what the biggest nightmare is when travelling abroad? It’s losing your passport. But when you have overseas travel insurance providing coverage for it, you don’t have to worry as it will not only help you obtain a new passport and other essential documents while reimbursing the cost of a new passport.


So when you plan your overseas travel, it is essential to have overseas travel insurance as it comes in really handy against unanticipated events that can otherwise ruin your trip and cause significant financial losses. Also, with everything online, you can purchase your overseas travel insurance without much hassle of health checkups. They also offer coverage against medical emergencies, trip cancellations or delays, modifications in travel plans, misplaced or lost luggage, and misplaced or lost passports. Overseas travel insurance is the best way to ensure a stress-free trip & make the best of your international travel experience.

People Also ask

What do you mean by overseas coverage?

Overseas coverage protects against any unexpected events that can ruin your overseas trip and cause significant financial losses, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations or delays, modifications in travel plans, misplaced or lost luggage, and misplaced or lost passports etc.

What conditions are not covered by travel insurance?

The condition which is not covered include the following-

  • An unfortunate accident during extreme sports or adventure activities such as paragliding, bungee jumping, or hang gliding (unless you opted for supplemental coverage with a higher insurance premium)
  • An accident caused due to drugs or alcohol.
  • Negligence/carelessness/unattended towards belongings leads to loss.
  • Any existing health condition, such as diabetes, visit the specialist, insulin coverage, or general checkups, shall not be covered.
  • Victim of theft
  • In case of civil unrest situation in your destination country

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