Latest Government Italy

Latest Government Contracts Finder in Italy


Italy’s industrial industry is diverse. Italy is a member of the G8 group of industrialized nations and has the tenth-largest economy in the world. The manufacturing of high-quality consumer goods by small and medium-sized businesses is a major driver of the Italian economy. Tourism, iron and steel, chemicals, machinery, precision engineering, automotive, textiles, clothes, footwear, and ceramics are the most important industries. One of Italy’s most important sectors and a significant source of foreign cash is tourism.

Due to the business diversity many companies are looking for Latest government contracts finder in Italy.

Both international obligations under the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and EU-wide regulation under the EU Public Procurement Directives influence government procurement in Europe. Corporations based in the United States are permitted to compete on public tenders covered by the GPA. Whereas European subsidiaries of U.S. companies are permitted to bid on all public procurement contracts in the European Union covered by EU Directives.

If bidders identify discriminatory public procurement practises, the EU has three remedies directives that impose universal criteria for all member states to follow. Electronic versions of the procurement paperwork must be made available via an internet URL as soon as the contract notice is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

There are other restrictions in the GPA’s EU coverage that apply exclusively to enterprises based in the United States. In the following areas, American corporations are not permitted to bid on works and services contracts procured by sub-central public contracting authorities.

  • Water sector.
  • Airport services.
  • The urban transportation industry, as well as railways in general
  • Dredging and procurement services related to shipbuilding.

Italy’s Public Procurement:

The WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) and EU Public Procurement Directives both bind Italy’s public procurement system to international duties. Italy has largely brought its domestic procurement regulations into accordance with the foregoing international requirements through a succession of legislative decrees implemented since the GPA became part of EU domestic law in January 1996.

Over 22,000 contracting agencies at the central and municipal levels in Italy are subject to EU public procurement directives. The main central contracting agency is the GOI Ministries. Principal contracting agencies at the local level include regions, provinces, municipalities, and entities administered by municipalities, such as the local healthcare authority responsible for hospital administration, among other things. The number of contracting agencies is being reduced, and procurement norms and processes are being streamlined.


The necessity for efficiency in the Italian public sector is pushing the expansion of e-procurement. The Italian Public Administration eMarketplace is used by both central and local government departments in Italy to rationalize spending on products and services (MEPA). ConsipSpA, the Italian Central Purchasing Body, is 100% owned by the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance through its division Public Procurement Online and manages the e-procurement platform. MEPA connects Italian government agencies with tens of thousands of suppliers around the country.

The majority of information technology equipment, office supplies, furniture, and clothing are purchased through e-sourcing in the public sector. Online service procurement is also on the rise, especially in the sectors of energy, printing, vehicle rental, cleaning, and financial services. The US government keeps track of tender announcements for public procurements.

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